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mr grady
S2 licensed
I hope that massa puts in a complaint about the BMW blocking him, or it will prove that the incident at monza was nothing but bad sportmanship and ferrari's attempt at trying to win the titles by cheating.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from RaceDoctor :
Only one race left, then Formula 1 will finally be got rid of Schumacher M.

a quality driver, no doubt about his talent, but MS is the Dick Dastardly of F1.
media pc
mr grady
S2 licensed
anyone here use a media pc as a dvd/video recorder?

as seen in a different thread my old dvd recorder is dead. i had a video recorder and a dvd player connected to it so i could record/edit any motorsport on tv that i wanted to put onto dvd and keep.

this is what i want the media pc to well as be able to watch digital tv, and for that ive got the tuner card i want.

so, going back to my original question...anyone else done this? how do you find it? or shall i just buy a dvd recorder from comet?

cheers for any help/advice.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :

Do you find that funny too?

a bit uncalled for.........after all you could plainly see the guy was ok, just a sore chin.

what amused me was the total lack of concern from schumacher.....but then he is the best driver in the world.
mr grady
S2 licensed
thanks for your reply.

i have found one, so if anyone else wants it, just email me.
mr grady
S2 licensed
to quote paul stanley........."this is where it all started."

still rocking after 30+ years.
Jag V8
mr grady
S2 licensed
does anyone know of a Jag F1 skin for the V8 please?
mr grady
S2 licensed
I've just been racing on a public server on Aston GP using the V8's.

had a good few races and on the last found myself in 2nd place behind a fast leader.on the last lap he made a mistake 3/4's of the way round, which let me slip by into first place. approaching the downhill chicane i was 0.5 seconds in front. i outbraked myself for the chicane and took it slower than usual. on the straight he clipped me and spun me into the pit lane. what do you think he did next?

he slowed right down, and told me to take the win.

you hear a lot about bad/aggressive/unsportsmanlike racing so much that i feel it was a real breath of fresh air to race with such a sporting guy.

for the record, his name is Julek Krokowski, LFS name: BMR Linus.
DVD - rip
mr grady
S2 licensed
my old philips dvd recorder has been playing up bigtime lately.

the laser on it just give up the ghost, and it wont read disc's it has recorded on......................a very common fault.

so.....................for a bit of therapy i took my sledgehammer to it.............

basil fawlty would have been proud. (he did his old morris car in the gormet nights episode with a branch)

now tomorrow im off to get the parts to build a media PC.

big problem is, now i have no japanese GP, unless there is a way of getting an unfinalised dvd to work on another drive/player.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from speedfreak227 :After all the BS that's happened in the last half of the season I think Alonso deserved this one.

1 - Renault losing it's suspension because it's a moving aerodynamic device
2 - Ferrari using wheel hubcaps that should be banned by the same rule the way it was interpreted, but nothing is done

3 - fernando "blocking" massa in qualifying at monza and being brutally penalized
4 - massa BLOCKING alonso at japan and nothing is said

5 - michael jumping the chicane to avoid being passed but not pulling over or getting a penalty

My reaction last night when I saw it was michael with the smoking engine...


i agree 100%

i surprised myself by not shouting with delight at schumachers demise, more disbelief.
after all the crap that ferrari have pulled over the years, the oversized Michelin tyres, the damper system, massa's qualy farce at monza, tyre ovens and not blankets and the rear wheel covers, i feel a sense of justice that MS was let down by a ferrari engine.
just listen to any of schumacher's ex team mates...they all say how hard it was having to toe the line to help him win titles..where has alonso's help been?
he won last years title by himself (on the track of course) and it looks like he will repeat that this year.
a lesser man would have given up today.....full marks to him.

one more thing........schumacher saying how he wouldnt like a rival losing the title by not finishing..........he didnt worry in 1997 when he tried to put JV off the track or hill in 1994....what an absolute hypocrite.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Anyone who would argue against a FIA pro-ferrari standing should explain this one:

i cant agree with flavs choice words, but after alonso got demoted on the grid for "slowing" massa a few tenths at monza, how can no action be taken when its over 2 seconds?

is it because the FIA makes decisions as and when they feel like it? IMO a rule should stand for that season, then its a level playing field...............
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :I would absolutely hate to see schumey win another world title, as his win at all cost (all costs, even cheating) attitude is disgusting. Alonso is a better driver, and, because he races fairly, it would be great to see him ruin Schumachers (end on high) career.

Go Alonso

couldnt have put it better myself
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Lets hope, it rains heavily tomorrow.

heartattack? sheesh! dumb.illepall
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from Quint999 :I live in the UK and had no idea the local air ambulances were paid purely by volountary donations.

Yes it does sometimes take a celebrity to highlight something to get people to donate, but not always for the reasons you think. You hold a rather presumptuous and cynical view about people you know nothing about.

BBMAN:how do you know if i have ever donated to any charity before? or if i will again? over the years i have helped raise money for several charitys

like it says know nothing about people.

your post was negative,abusive (false-faced) and not needed.
mr grady
S2 licensed
ok...hows this then?

i work 24/7 just to give all my money to EVERY charity going, so that you cant call me a hypocrite.

i didnt know about the air ambulance before hamsters accident....the phrase every cloud has a silver lining springs to mind here.

why oh why did you have to knock people for donating money? of all the bad things in that are going on in the world, why did you have to bring such a negative attitude into this thread?

im sure hamster, the crew who operate the air ambulance and the people it will help (god forbid that anyone should need it) will be so grateful that it has the funds to operate longer and better now.

mr grady
S2 licensed
i tell you why its good to donate bbman

here is someone who comes into my living room most sunday nights via the tv.
i then hear that he is close to death, and because of the fast action of the air ambulance, his life has most likely been spared.also, its only in action because of donations.

i believe thats enough of a reason to donate some cash.

how about you go and make better use of your spare time rarther than thinking up crap and posting it on here.
mr grady
S2 licensed
get well soon hampster.

please hold the "jokes" about replacing him when he is out of the woods.
im sure if his friends or family read those they wouldnt be impressed with the LFS forum/community.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :You mean like this? ... danowat/frex/Dsc01887.jpg

It's my MOMO/Frex/DFP combo


apart from the DFP, how much did it set you back?
mixing pedals n wheels
mr grady
S2 licensed
is it possible to use a microsoft FF wheel with momo (red wheel) pedals?
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Did you ever watch the onboard footage from Schumachers car of that incident? To say it would be unclear if he could continue is a bit of a joke Tristan, he slammed that wall so hard he'd have had to had his fillings replaced. The fact that he could even more or less drive in a straight line as he rejoined the track was testement to his talent and his desire to win at all costs. Unfortunately it was an extremely unsporting and unfair thing for him to have done.

Hill did what all racing drivers would have done, including Schumacher.

i was a hill fan..but thats another story...but poor old damon, if he hadnt gone for the pass he would have been knocked for it, now because he did, he's in the wrong!
schumacher knew his race was finished, i bet a weeks wages if he had been a point behind in the championship he would have just parked the car.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :DC didn't always toe the line at McLaren, but yeah he was a bit more PC than he is at Red Bull. I actually think Rubens left Ferrari because he saw how much fun DC was having at Red Bull!

As for Michael... I don't like him. It's not down to the press or him being German or any of that, it's because I've watched him since day one of his F1 career and I've just always thought he was a twat. I can deal with his "chop", and most everything else he did on-track, but deliberately driving into other cars, this season's Monaco parking incident, and the whole arrangement he's had with #2 drivers just don't sit well with me. I don't really care how much of that is Ferrari and how much of it is Schumacher, it taints his achievements.

All that said, I would like to see him do one more season at Ferrari with Kimi in the sister car, but I'm pretty sure he knows how that season would end, and so I think he'll retire at the end of this season.

That's not to say he couldn't have beaten the likes of Kimi in his earlier years, but he's never been in a situation where he has serious competition from a teammate before, and I don't think he could handle it.

i so agree with you 100%

i would have actually enjoyed seeing him race kimi. as long as it was "race" and not have him a be a lap dog like irvine, barrichello and massa have been.
if you look at his titles and wins in the cold light of day, he owes part of those titles to his team mates.
yes, a very, very good driver/racer.....but not a honourable and decent world champion.

farewell michael, i will miss you, but only because no one else will cheat.
mr grady
S2 licensed
im surprised that kimi is still on pole.

after all, last wednesday he wiped his arse with a sideways motion using ungraded toilet paper, thus causing a butterfly to flap its wings out of time. this caused the ferrari's testing at monza to jink 3mm to the right and lose no time what so ever.

a disgusting example of unsportsmanship from mclaren........ban them i say!!!!

oh............btw, i hope alonso wipes the floor with those cheating scarlett ba*tar*s!

good luck mate!!!!
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :But don't you get horrible skidmarks where the turd once reclined?

to avoid skidmarks, i would advise changing the rear brake bias.
mr grady
S2 licensed
diarrhea,, leasts its painless and effortless!!!!

one after my own heart now......

kiss- with makeup or without?
mr grady
S2 licensed
appreciate the replys.

i know the new logitech wheel looks awesome, but its a heck of a lot of money, and the lack of buttons on the wheel is a minus for its a DFP.